
September 18, 2021

Beautiful Things You Can Make With Funeral Flowers 

It’s no surprise that after a funeral you’ll have lots of perfectly good flowers left over. What exactly should you do with all of those beautiful flowers laying around? 

Here are five awesome things you can do with leftover funeral flowers! 

Make a Homemade Flower Petal

This is a multi-step craft project that can be done in a single day without many difficult supplies. Check out this helpful guide from Burnetts Boards to get started! 

Press Flowers Into a Gift for a Loved One 

You can create a thank you card, a greeting card, a scrapbook page or even a picture for the wall. Let your imagination run wild. If you want to give this a try, check out this guide

Make Your Own Flower Candles 

A simple way to make your home smell of fresh flowers is to dry out your funeral flowers and make your own candles. For this simple craft, you only need five ingredients. 

Here’s how to make your very own flower candles.

Dry and Hang Your Flowers For Simple Decor

Hanging flowers upside down has been a popular choice for uplifting the looks of a room and it’s incredibly easy to do. To get started, grab some twine or thread from your local craft store and tie it to the base of the flowers. String along as many as you would like and then simply hang them upside down on your wall. 

To get started, click here

Compost Your Flowers

If your flowers begin to wither and turn brown, you can always resort to composting them. Compost is great for planting a tree in the honor of your loved one. As the tree is growing, it will remind you of your loved one daily and you’ll always have a remembrance item right in your front yard. This is a great way to let death grow into new life. 

Here’s how to make your very own flower compost

We Are Wyuka 

For over 140 years, Wyuka Cemetery has played an integral part in the lives of Nebraskans. During that time, its grounds have been host to family gatherings of all kinds. Our visitors continue to tell us stories of their visits to Wyuka – be it for birthday celebrations, family reunions, or because they’re celebrating the lives of their loved ones who have passed away.


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