
February 27, 2021

Tips on Handling Major Life Decisions During the Grieving Process

According to Holmes-Rate Life Stress Inventory, losing a loved one can be the most emotional and stressful life event to happen. If you’re grieving the death of a close family member or spouse, avoid making any large life decisions. The physical and emotional toll that a death can have on your mind and body can make it increasingly difficult to make rational life decisions. 

Major Life Decisions Should Wait

Major life decisions require you to be mentally and physically prepared due to the stress that can occur. During the grieving process, these types of decisions should be avoided at all costs – if possible. 

Housing Relocation

If you recently lost a loved one or close family member that lived with you, you may be thinking about selling your home or moving because of the memories that are within the household. This decision should be delayed at least six months. Finding a new home, selling your current home and everything else that goes into re-location can be a huge burden for someone who isn’t mentally prepared. Moving can be a huge undertaking even in perfect conditions and will only be that much more difficult during a grieving period. 

It may be tempting to move due to the reminders and memories that were bestowed in your home, but relocation may not be in your best interest financially after paying for the costs associated with a funeral.  You might view your living and financial situation differently after allowing several months to pass following a loved one’s death. 

Getting Rid of Personal Items 

Following the death of someone close, there is a tendency to act swiftly and harshly when it comes to the removal of their personal items. If you have ever reacted harshly in an emotional moment by doing or saying something you regret, you should understand why now is not the ideal time to get rid of photographs, clothing, mementos, or any other items that remind you of the person you recently lost. 

After items have been hauled to the garbage and taken away, you will never get those irreplaceable connections back. Those items may be the last thing you’ll have left to remember someone by therefore, you should delay getting rid of any items associated with your loved one. 

If you cannot tolerate the physical reminders that these items hold, simply box them up and store them inside a spare room, storage unit, garage, or friend’s house. Then when you’re emotionally ready to sort through them, you can take your time and make rational decisions. 

Job Change

Sometimes, workplaces can fail to respond as employees think they should when they return to work after the death of a loved one. Many times, employees will find returning to work difficult and contemplate finding a new job or changing careers. There are lots of different emotions that can cause you to feel this way, but you should try to delay these decisions for at least six months. 

When you’re going through a recent grieving period, you’re probably not thinking normally because of your heightened, more sensitive emotional state. Therefore, once you have had time to adjust to your loss, you can reassess to see if an employer/career change makes sense for you or your family. 

Major Decisions Might Be Necessary

Everyone has a different experience with grief and how long they will feel extreme emotional pain. If delaying your major life decisions for at least six months is not possible, speak with someone you trust so they can help you make rational decisions. At Wyuka, we are here for you and your family. Unfortunately, death is a part of life and we have to continue through those hard times. Our Funeral Directors can provide you with resources to help ease some of the pain associated with losing a loved one. 

The most important thing you can do during the grieving process is taking care of yourself. Grief plays a physical and mental role on your body and it’s important to speak with someone to help get some of those thoughts off your chest. 

Give us a call today and let us guide you along the process of healing. 



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